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DESK / Courier Plezier

Role / responsibilities

Programmer / Co-Designer
– Networking, multiplayer support(LAN).
– Developing tools for Designers.


  • 1 Developer (me)
  • 2 Designers
  • 2 Artist

Skills learned

  • How to use unity’s Networking tool (Netcode).
  • How to create my own coder, from IP -> a letter code. bv: -> bdi-a-a-b
  • How to use Scriptable objects as tools for designers.
  • How to use Unity’s animator and create a hover and confirmation function.
  • Be a GitMaster and use multiple branches.

Project Duration

Timespan : 8 weeks
given Time : 112h, 18 days(6h)


We wanted to create a social experiment that could create an awareness about perspective in certain situations. We created an interactive experience where 2 people would play together without one of them not knowing it was a real person he or she was playing with. In this experience 1 player plays as the “Politican” and the other as a “pizza delivery driver”.

Courier Plezier


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